Books I loved

3 Books to Meet Your Life Partner

Would you like to know the top 3 books I recommend to my clients if they want to meet their life partner fast?

I don’t have an affiliate relationship with any of these authors.

I just genuinely believe these are the 3 books to meet your life partner – they are the most valuable books any ambitious professional could read.

Each of these books provides you with actionable strategies and mindset shifts that will skyrocket your match rate and bring you closer to meeting the right person for a long-term relationship.

And like always, the information is not what’s valuable inside these books.

What’s valuable is implementing the information inside these books so that you can meet the right person, start getting to know each other, and explore the possibility of something serious and long-term.

1. The 5 Love Languages.

“What is a love language? It is something that makes you feel loved and makes you happy,” writes Sagarika Ransingh. That’s how most of us imagine we’ll feel when we meet the right person. But so many people end up disillusioned, and disheartened. Reading this book will help you understand that different people feel loved in different ways. I recommend this book to every single client to meet your life partner. It is an insider’s guide to making someone feel truly loved and appreciated – in the ways that are most meaningful to them, based on their “love language”.

Get it here.

2. Pulling Your Own Strings.

Since childhood, we’re fed a diet of sappy romantic movies in which two people meet, fall in love, and live happily ever after. Yet we frequently hear stories from friends and family of relationship unhappiness. Why? Because most of us never learnt how to set good boundaries. Great relationships are built on knowing and setting your own emotional boundaries. This book is a humourous take on defining and setting boundaries within our intimate relationships. It will help you in your existing relationships – with your family or close friends – and prepare you to meet your life partner. This book teaches you to clearly communicate your boundaries to a potential matches. This will allow both of you to concentrate on enjoy each other’s company.

I found this book at a second-hand shop, and it ended up changing my life, dramatically improving my relationship with my parents, close friends, and colleagues.

Get it here.


3.The Seven Principles For Making Marriage Work.

John Gottman, the author of this book, is a world-renowned expert on forming and keeping great relationships.

“I wish I had known some of this (referring to the 7 Principles) sooner,” says Shamu, who is based in the UK. “[Reading the book] certainly helped me get closer to my wife and identify things I do which really aren’t helpful to our marriage.

I loved the unique studies that supported the advice contained in this book,” adds Nisheeka. “I found it pertinent and easily applicable.

Yes, it was published a little while ago, and therefore, some of the things Gottman writes in the book wouldn’t fly with today’s generation. The 7 Principles, however, remain golden, timeless advice to meet (and keep) your life partner.

Get it here.

Bonus book: Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus.

Although it didn’t make the top three list, it’s one of my favourite books for understanding the key differences between men and women. Yes, it has a title that would make it politically-incorrect to non-binary folks. That being said, the book is an easy-to-read, fast, and enjoyable way to understand why men and women so often misunderstand each other, and how you can avoid some of the easy mistakes when you’re getting to know someone. The examples and concrete guidance in this book are extremely insightful to meet your life partner, including knowing how to manage every step of the relationship as you are getting to know each other.

Get it here.


Comment below and tell us:

Are there any other books you would recommend as a “must read” for ambitious professionals who want to meet the right person?

Malaika Neri

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