Urban Dictionary defines “winging it” as “doing something with no preparation”.
No Preparation or No Clue?
Winging it is exactly what I did when I tried to start a business as a 20-year-old student at NYU. I had a dream to produce ethanol from sugarcane, and sell it to the locals in Madagascar, providing them a fuel source and effectively skyrocketing myself to super-successful entrepreneur and social impact superhero.

Inexperienced, immature, and arrogant.
My professors, best friends, and business partner in Madagascar all told me to “just go for it”. Or as Nike says, “Just do it.”
Do what, exactly?
I had no idea.
- Write business plan, check.
- Build an Excel showing how we’d make millions, check.
- Create PPT slides, check.
With that, I thought I was ready.

Playing with Fire
Finally, the big day came: a meeting with three private equity investors who would consider my company for millions in cash.
Just walking into that meeting, my insides turned to jelly.
I stumbled through my slides, sweating every second. When they questioned my numbers, I invented answers. When they said, “Thank you, that’s all we need,” I turned and ran out the door, relieved, exhausted.
From Winging it to Steady Preparation.
Trying (and failing) to start a company in Madagascar left me burnt out. Recovery took 6 months, and 6 more to reorient my career. Those were some of my darkest times.
A few years later, happier, healthier, and ensconced in a stable job, I took a project management course where we were taught the art of planning, preparation, and precision. The key takeaway was: create a plan, and STICK TO IT.
Later that winter, I tried to start a career-coaching business. This time, it was successful, and became the top blog in the field. It was so successful, someone even made an exact copy of my website under her name!
This time, I followed a step-by-step plan. I spent $10,000 on business coaching. I invested $3000 in high-quality materials: laptop + accessories. And I spent hours interviewing others who had succeeded in the same field on HOW they planned for success.

From a clear, step-by-step action plan to meeting high-quality profiles.
I wanted to connect and network with people who loved travel, and wanted a career full of meaning. And because I went in with a clear action plan, I got to meet well-educated young professionals just like me (can you spot me in the photo above?)
One of those meetings even turned into a serious relationship!
And it happened simply because I had a clear strategy to go from sitting alone on my sofa, to being surrounded by a network of like-minded individuals.
I’d tried to go it alone, and was left burnt out, demotivated, and exhausted. When I invested in the help of an expert professional, it skyrocketed me to success, and gave me the chance to meet high-value individuals who shared my lifestyle of frequent travel, my mindset, and my values.

From a clear, step-by-step action plan to meeting high-quality profiles.
I wanted to connect and network with people who loved travel, and wanted a career full of meaning. And because I went in with a clear action plan, I got to meet well-educated young professionals just like me (can you spot me in the photo above?)
And it happened simply because I had a clear strategy to go from sitting alone on my sofa, to being surrounded by a network of like-minded individuals. One meeting turned into a serious relationship!
I’d tried to go it alone, and was left burnt out, demotivated, and exhausted. When I invested in the guidance of an expert professional, it skyrocketed me to success, and gave me the chance to meet high-value individuals who shared my lifestyle of frequent travel, my mindset, and my values.

This is the power of a Relationship Roadmap.
A clear, step-by-step plan to go from single on the sofa to serious relationship with a REALLY attractive person who shares your interests.
This is a videocourse, where you’ll receive a CLEAR plan for WHAT to do, WHAT to expect, and WHAT to watch out for, so you can skip the painful beginner mistakes and move straight to master dating, and start a serious relationship.
When you join my Relationship Roadmap Masterclass, you’ll also receive:
Afterwards, I’ll email you the replay, plus detailed video lessons on how to make this relationship your reality THIS YEAR.
You can sign up today for 4 monthly payments of 59 euro only.